Midnight Runners
In this South Korean action-comedy, two young police academy cadets, played by Park Seo-joon and Kang Ha-neul, find themselves embroiled in a thrilling and dangerous mission after witnessing a kidnapping. Their lack of experience is both a hindrance and a source of humor as they navigate the challenges of solving the case on their own. Directed by Joo-hwan Kim, the film combines elements of buddy cop dynamics with a fast-paced narrative. While it didn’t receive major awards, it was well-received for its engaging storyline and chemistry between the leads. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 19
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Crime
Director: Joo-hwan Kim
Actors: Bae Yoo-ram, Byeon Woo-seok, Cho Joon, Go Joon, Kang Ha-neul, Kim Gyu-baek, Kim Kyu-baek, Lee Ho-jung, Park Ha-seon, Park Seo-jun, Sung Dong-il
Country: South Korea
Company: Lotte Entertainment, Movie Rock, Nintendo CultureWorks Film Pictures, Nintendo Pictures, Sega Sammy Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $39,730,433