Microbe et Gasoil
Directed by Michel Gondry, this charming French film follows the adventures of two teenage misfits, Daniel and Théo, who are nicknamed Microbe and Gasoil. The duo embarks on a whimsical road trip across France in a makeshift vehicle they built themselves, seeking freedom and adventure away from their mundane lives. The film is a delightful exploration of friendship, creativity, and the spirit of youth. While it may not have garnered major awards, it stands out for its imaginative storytelling and Gondry’s signature quirky style. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Drama
Director: Michel Gondry
Actors: Ange Dargent, Audrey Tautou, Diane Besnier, Étienne Charry, Fabio Zenoni, Laurent Poitrenaux, Marc Delarue, Sacha Bourdo, Théophile Baquet
Country: France
Company: Canal+, Partizan, StudioCanal
Worldwide Gross: $303,787