Magnifica presenza
In this intriguing film directed by Ferzan Özpetek, the story follows Pietro, an aspiring actor who moves to Rome and rents an old apartment. As he settles in, he begins to experience strange occurrences and discovers that the apartment is inhabited by a group of mysterious and charming individuals. The film skillfully blends elements of comedy, drama, and the supernatural, creating a unique narrative that explores themes of loneliness and connection. Notably, the movie features standout performances from its cast, including Elio Germano. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Ferzan Özpetek
Actors: Alessandro Roja, Andrea Bosca, Beppe Fiorello, Cem Yılmaz, Claudia Potenza, Elio Germano, Gea Martire, Giuseppe Fiorello, Margherita Buy, Paola Minaccioni, Vittoria Puccini
Country: Italy
Company: Fandango, Faros Film, Rai Cinema
Worldwide Gross: $4,897,074