Lilya 4-ever
Directed by Lukas Moodysson, this harrowing drama follows the life of a young girl named Lilya, who is abandoned by her mother in a bleak Eastern European town. As she struggles to survive, Lilya’s dreams of a better life are shattered, leading her into a world of exploitation and despair. The film is noted for its raw and powerful portrayal of human trafficking and the vulnerabilities of youth. While it did not receive major awards, it has been critically acclaimed for its emotional depth and social commentary. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Lukas Moodysson
Actors: Anastasiya Bedredinova, Artyom Bogucharsky, Elina Benenson, Liliya Shinkaryova, Lyubov Agapova, Nikolai Bentsler, Oksana Akinshina, Pavel Ponomaryov, Tomasz Neuman, Tõnu Kark
Company: Det Danske Filminstitut, Film i Väst, Memfis Film
Worldwide Gross: $1,007,747