Let Me Eat Your Pancreas
In this poignant Japanese drama directed by Shô Tsukikawa, a reserved high school student forms an unexpected bond with a spirited classmate who harbors a secret illness. The film explores themes of friendship, mortality, and the impact of human connections. Starring Minami Hamabe and Takumi Kitamura, the narrative unfolds through a series of heartfelt interactions that challenge the characters’ perspectives on life. While the movie did not receive major awards, it has been praised for its emotional depth and compelling performances. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Animation, Drama, Romance
Director: Shô Tsukikawa
Actors: Daichi Morishita, Dôri Sakurada, Karen Otomo, Keiko Kitagawa, Keisuke Nakata, Minami Hamabe, Satomi Nagano, Shun Oguri, Takumi Kitamura, Yuma Yamoto, Yusuke Kamiji, 浜辺美波
Country: Japan
Company: TOHO, Toho Company
Worldwide Gross: $3,097,389