Last Sentinel
In a future where Earth is devastated by war, four weary soldiers are stationed at Sentinel, an isolated military outpost located in the expansive ocean dividing two battling continents. Although their deployment was supposed to conclude three months prior, the replacement team has yet to arrive. As the desolate weeks stretch into months, paranoia sets in, straining their relationships to the brink of collapse.
Views: 18
Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Tanel Toom
Actors: Ben Pullen, Jan Erik Ehrenberg, Karin Tammaru, Kate Bosworth, Lucien Laviscount, Martin McCann, Monika Tuvi, Thomas Kretschmann
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Allfilm, Altitude Film Entertainment, BR / Arte
Worldwide Gross: $143,704