Kurosaki-kun no iinari ni nante naranai
Yu Akahane, portrayed by Nana Komatsu, relocates to a dormitory following her father’s job transfer. She is thrilled at the prospect of sharing the dorm with Takumi Shirakawa, played by Yudai Chiba, who is known as the “White Prince.” However, Haruto Kurosaki, depicted by Kento Nakajima and nicknamed the “Black Devil,” kisses her as a form of retribution for defying him. This unexpected kiss marks Yu Akahane’s first, leading her to become submissive to Haruto Kurosaki.
Views: 3
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance, TV Movie
Director: Hayato Kawai, ShĂ´ Tsukikawa
Actors: Amane Okayama, Asuka Kawazu, Hirono Suzuki, Kaho, Kento Nakajima, Miu Suzuki, Nana Komatsu, Reina Kurosaki, Rimo Hasegawa, Sara Takatsuki, Yudai Chiba, Yui Kitamura, Yuta Kishi
Country: Japan
Company: AOI Promotion, Chukyo TV Broadcasting Company (CTV), Fukuoka Broadcasting System (FBS)
Worldwide Gross: $10,415,892