In this early ’90s action-comedy, Christian Slater stars as a charming and rebellious young man who unexpectedly finds himself in charge of a private police force after his brother’s untimely death. As he navigates the challenges of his new role, he must balance his carefree lifestyle with the responsibilities of law enforcement, all while dealing with a dangerous criminal element. The film, directed by Bruce A. Evans, combines humor with thrilling action sequences, offering a unique take on the buddy cop genre. Notably, the movie features a young Milla Jovovich in a supporting role. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Bruce A. Evans
Actors: Ashley Judd, Bruce Boxleitner, Christian Slater, George de la Peña, Leon Rippy, Milla Jovovich, Ric Roman Waugh, Steve Holladay, Tony Goldwyn, Troy Evans
Country: United States of America
Company: Beginner's Luck, Dino de Laurentiis Communications, EvansGideon
Worldwide Gross: $21,142,815