In this enigmatic film directed by Reha Erdem, a mysterious stranger with miraculous abilities arrives in a small, snow-covered town, stirring the lives of its inhabitants. The narrative unfolds with a blend of magical realism and philosophical musings, exploring themes of faith, love, and the human condition. The film is noted for its stunning cinematography and atmospheric sound design, which enhance its otherworldly feel. While it may not have garnered major awards, it remains a captivating piece of Turkish cinema. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Reha Erdem
Actors: Akın Anlı, Asil Büyüközçelik, Cüneyt Yalaz, Hakan Altuntaş, Korel Kubilay, Sencar Sağdıç, Serkan Keskin, Sermet Yeşil, Suat Oktay Senocak, Türkü Turan
Company: Atlantik Film, Elmalma Marka Iletisim, Imaj
Worldwide Gross: $79,914