Kim Bok-nam salinsageonui jeonmal
In this intense South Korean thriller, the story unfolds on a remote island where a woman named Kim Bok-nam endures a life of hardship and abuse. The film explores themes of desperation and revenge as Bok-nam seeks to escape her oppressive environment. Directed by Cheol-soo Jang, the movie is noted for its gripping narrative and strong performances, particularly by the lead actress. While it did not receive major awards, it has been praised for its raw portrayal of human resilience. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Crime, Drama, Horror, Thriller
Director: Cheol-soo Jang
Actors: A-in, Bae Sung-woo, Baek Su-Ryeon, Hwang Geum-hee, Hwang Min-Ho, Oh Yong, Park Jeong-hak, Seo Young-hee, Son Young-soon, Tak Sung-Eun
Country: South Korea
Company: Boston Investments, Filma Pictures, Tori Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $1,129,687