Set in a dystopian future where Earth has become uninhabitable, the film explores the ethical and emotional complexities of artificial intelligence and human consciousness. The story follows a scientist who is tasked with cloning the brain of a legendary soldier to create a powerful AI combatant. As the narrative unfolds, it delves into themes of identity, memory, and the moral implications of technology. Directed by Yeon Sang-ho, known for his work on “Train to Busan,” the film features compelling performances that bring depth to its futuristic setting. For those interested, the movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 10
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, War
Director: Yeon Sang-ho
Actors: Han Woo-yeol, Kang Soo-youn, Kim Hyun-joo, Kim Sun-hyuk, Lee Dong-hee, Lee Dong-hui, Lee Ga-kyung, Lee Hyun-kyun, Ryu Kyung-soo, Shin Min-jae, Uhm Ji-won
Country: South Korea
Company: Climax Studio