Judgment Day
In this science fiction thriller, the planet faces a dire threat as a cosmic collision propels massive chunks of space debris toward Earth. A scientist has developed a method to prevent the largest meteor fragments from hitting the planet, but a zealous religious cult is determined to thwart his efforts. A former convict (played by Ice-T) with connections to the cult is compelled to team up with an FBI agent (portrayed by Suzy Amis) to rescue the scientist from the cult’s grasp and avert a catastrophic loss of life. Mario Van Peebles and Linden Ashby feature in supporting roles.
Views: 3
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: John Terlesky
Actors: Coolio, Dartanyan Edmonds, David Wells, Ice-T, Linden Ashby, Mario Van Peebles, Mark Deakins, Shireen Crutchfield, Suzy Amis, Tommy Lister Jr.
Country: United States of America
Company: Cinetel Films, Judgement Cinema Inc.