In this 1983 comedy directed by Greydon Clark, a small-town arcade becomes the battleground for a clash between fun-loving teenagers and a group of adults determined to shut it down. The film features performances by Joe Don Baker and Leif Green, who bring to life the vibrant and rebellious spirit of the arcade’s patrons. As the story unfolds, the teens must use their wits and gaming skills to defend their beloved hangout. While the movie did not receive any notable awards, it remains a nostalgic piece of 80s pop culture. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy
Director: Greydon Clark
Actors: Corinne Bohrer, Jim Greenleaf, Joe Don Baker, John Diehl, John Voldstad, Jon Gries, Kim G. Michel, Kym Malin, Leif Green, Morgan Lofting, Reid Cruickshanks, Scott McGinnis
Country: United States of America
Company: Greydon Clark Productions
Worldwide Gross: $3,952,448