Journey of the Universe
“Journey of the Universe” is a sweeping documentary that delves into the relationship between humanity, Earth, and the cosmos. Produced and directed by Patsy Northcutt and David Kennard, known for their work on Carl Sagan’s “Cosmos” and “Hero’s Journey: The World of Joseph Campbell,” this film combines grand scientific themes, historical narratives, and storytelling. The project was brought to life by a distinguished group of scientists, scholars, and award-winning filmmakers, with co-writers Brian Thomas Swimme, a celebrated author and evolutionary philosopher, and Mary Evelyn Tucker, a historian of religions from Yale University, at the helm. Together, they craft a narrative that intertwines scientific breakthroughs in fields like astronomy, geology, biology, ecology, and biodiversity with profound humanistic reflections on the universe’s essence.
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Genre: Documentary
Director: David Kennard, Patsy Northcutt
Country: United States of America
Company: InCA Productions, KQED, Northcutt Productions