Jackboots on Whitehall
Set in an alternate history during World War II, this film presents a unique take on the Nazi invasion of Britain, where the fate of the nation rests in the hands of a small village. The story unfolds with a blend of humor and action, featuring a star-studded voice cast including Ewan McGregor, Rosamund Pike, and Timothy Spall. Directed by Edward McHenry, the film is notable for its use of puppetry and stop-motion animation, offering a distinct visual style. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it stands out for its creative approach to storytelling. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Animation, Comedy, Sci-Fi, War
Director: Edward McHenry, Rory McHenry
Actors: Alan Cumming, Alexander Armstrong, Ewan McGregor, Hugh Fraser, Richard E. Grant, Rosamund Pike, Stephen Merchant, Timothy Spall, Tobias Menzies, Tom Wilkinson
Country: Belgium, Spain, United Kingdom
Company: Entertainment Motion Pictures (E-MOTION), McHenry Brothers, Swipe Films
Worldwide Gross: $20,776