It Could Happen to You
In this charming romantic comedy, a kind-hearted New York City cop, played by Nicolas Cage, finds himself in a unique predicament when he promises half of his potential lottery winnings to a struggling waitress, portrayed by Bridget Fonda, as a tip. The film explores themes of generosity, fate, and unexpected connections, all set against the bustling backdrop of the city. Directed by Andrew Bergman, the movie showcases the chemistry between its leads and offers a heartwarming narrative. While it didn’t win any major awards, it remains a beloved classic for its feel-good storyline. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Andrew Bergman
Actors: Bridget Fonda, Isaac Hayes, J.E. Freeman, Nicolas Cage, Red Buttons, Rosie Perez, Seymour Cassel, Stanley Tucci, VĂctor Rojas, Wendell Pierce
Country: United States of America
Company: TriStar Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $37,939,757