Irrational Man
In this 2015 film directed by Woody Allen, a tormented philosophy professor, played by Joaquin Phoenix, arrives at a small-town college and finds himself in an existential crisis. His life takes an unexpected turn when he becomes entangled with a bright student, portrayed by Emma Stone, and a chance encounter leads him to a radical decision that changes everything. The film explores themes of morality, chance, and the search for meaning. While it did not receive major awards, the performances and Allen’s direction offer a thought-provoking narrative. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Woody Allen
Actors: Allison Gallerani, Betsy Aidem, Brigette Lundy-Paine, Emma Stone, Jamie Blackley, Joaquin Phoenix, Joe Stapleton, Katelyn Semer, Nancy Carroll, Parker Posey
Country: United States of America
Company: Gravier Productions, Perdido Productions
Worldwide Gross: $27,391,084