Iron Man 3
In this action-packed installment, Tony Stark, portrayed by Robert Downey Jr., faces a formidable new adversary known as the Mandarin, played by Ben Kingsley. As Stark grapples with the aftermath of previous events, he must rely on his ingenuity and resourcefulness to protect those he loves and confront his own vulnerabilities. Directed by Shane Black, the film delves into themes of identity and resilience, offering a blend of thrilling action sequences and character development. Notably, the movie was a box office success and is available for free viewing on Soap2day.
Views: 90
Genre: Action, Adventure, Marvel, Sci-Fi, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Shane Black
Actors: Adam Lytle, Adam Pally, Adrian Gonzalez, Aja Frary, Andrew Lander, Andrew Lauer, Anthony Reynolds, Ashley Hamilton, Aurelia Riley, Ben Kingsley, Bill Maher, Bobby Tisdale, Brian Schaeffer, Brian Simpson, Bridger Zadina, Bronte D'Esposito, Brooke Jayne Taylor, Brycen Counts, Cal Johnson, Chad Kurtz, Chris Gethard, Colin Follenweider, Corey Hawkins, Cullen Moss, Dale Dickey, Dan Brown, Dane Farwell, David Buglione, Demetrois Hodges, Dennis Keiffer, Don Cheadle, Drew Michael Hershner, Fernando Chien, George Kotsiopoulos, Glenn Foster, Guy Pearce, Gwendalyn Barker, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ilram Choi, J. C. Robaina, Jade Quon, Jake Dewitt, James Badge Dale, James Rackley, Jan Broberg, Jenna Ortega, Joan Rivers, Johanna Yunda, John Eddins, Jon Favreau, Josh Elliott, Juan C. Bofill, Kary Musa, Kendrick Cross, Kevin Arnold, Kial Butler, Kiante Elam, Kim Dean, Linden Ashby, Luciana Faulhaber, Mark Aaron Wagner, Mark Fichera, Mark Ginther, Mark Kubr, Mark Ruffalo, Markos Rounthwaite, Matthew Sterling Nye, Megan Henderson, Miguel Ferrer, Mike Massa, Naomi Parshin, Nate Bynum, Nick Brandon, Nick W. Nicholson, Noah Visconti, Pat Kiernan, Paul Andrew O'Connor, Paul Bettany, Phil Ortiz, Philip J Silvera, Rebecca Hall, Rebecca Mader, Robert Downey Jr., Rockey Dickey Jr., Roy McCrerey, Sala Baker, Samuel Le, Sarah Burkhardt, Sarah Farooqui, Serdar Kalsin, Shaun Toub, Si-Fu Eric Oram, Spencer Garrett, Stan Lee, Stephanie Szostak, Steve Wilder, T. C. Anyachonkeya, Tara Macken, Thomas Roberts, Tom Clark, Tom Virtue, Ty Simpkins, Wang Xue-qi, Wesley Thompson, William Morts, William Sadler, Yvonne Zima
Country: United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, DMG Entertainment, Marvel Studios, Paramount Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $1,266,152,644