In this intense sci-fi thriller directed by Shane Abbess, a search and rescue team is dispatched to a distant mining facility after a biological outbreak threatens the lives of its crew. The film stars Daniel MacPherson and Grace Huang, who deliver compelling performances as they navigate the harrowing challenges of their mission. The narrative explores themes of survival and human resilience in the face of an unknown threat. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Shane Abbess
Actors: Bren Foster, Daniel MacPherson, Dwaine Stevenson, Grace Huang, Harry Pavlidis, Kevin Copeland, Louisa Mignone, Luke Ford, Luke Hemsworth, Tess Haubrich
Country: Australia
Company: Eclectik Vision, Storm Alley Entertainment, Storm Vision Entertainment