“Icebox” is a poignant drama that follows the harrowing journey of Óscar, a 12-year-old Honduran boy who flees gang violence in his home country, only to find himself detained in a U.S. immigration facility. The film, directed by Daniel Sawka, offers a stark and humanizing look at the challenges faced by young immigrants. Anthony Gonzalez, known for his role in “Coco,” delivers a compelling performance as Óscar. The movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Daniel Sawka
Actors: Anthony Gonzalez, Génesis Rodríguez, Jessica Juarez, Johnny Ortiz, Matthew Moreno, Omar Leyva
Country: United States of America
Company: BCD Travel, Fifth Season, Gracie Films, Icebox Productions