I Love You Too
In this romantic comedy directed by Daina Reid, the story revolves around a commitment-phobic man who struggles to express his feelings to his long-term girlfriend. The film features Brendan Cowell and Peter Dinklage, who deliver engaging performances that add depth to the narrative. As the protagonist embarks on a journey of self-discovery, he encounters a series of humorous and heartfelt situations that challenge his views on love and relationships. While the movie did not receive any major awards, it offers a charming exploration of personal growth and emotional vulnerability. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Daina Reid
Actors: Aljin Abella, Brendan Cowell, Bridie Carter, Katrina Milosevic, Megan Gale, Peter Dinklage, Peter Helliar, Rose Byrne, Travis McMahon, Yvonne Strahovski
Country: Australia
Company: Princess Pictures, Roadshow Films, Screen Australia
Worldwide Gross: $1,980,411