I Am Lisa
In this 2020 horror-thriller directed by Patrick Rea, a young woman named Lisa finds herself at the mercy of a corrupt small-town sheriff and her ruthless deputies. After a brutal encounter, Lisa is left for dead but soon discovers she has been transformed into a werewolf, gaining newfound powers and a thirst for revenge. The film stars Kristen Vaganos in the lead role, delivering a compelling performance as she navigates her transformation and quest for justice. While the movie hasn’t garnered any major awards, it offers an intriguing blend of horror and empowerment themes. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Patrick Rea
Actors: Carmen Anello, Chris Bylsma, Cinnamon Schultz, Jennifer Seward-DeRock, Kristen Vaganos, Manon Halliburton, Sarah McGuire
Country: United States of America
Company: Feed the Queen
Worldwide Gross: $6,986