Humans vs Zombies
In this satirical thriller, which blends dark comedy with horror, the story is inspired by the “Live Action Role-Playing” game of the same title. During their summer vacation, a group of students encounters a lethal virus that quickly spreads through direct contact. Those who become infected fall under the control of a dominating “swarm” intelligence, which compels them to crave human flesh. As the students return to their hometown, they unwittingly transmit the virus to their classmates and other unsuspecting residents.
Views: 2
Genre: Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Brian T. Jaynes
Actors: Chip Joslin, Christine Bently, David Blackwell, Dora Madison, Frederic Doss, Jesse Ferraro, Jonah Priour, Larry Jack Dotson, Melissa Carnell, Rheagan Wallace
Country: United States of America
Company: Studio 3 Entertainment