How the Grinch Stole Christmas
In this whimsical holiday film, the reclusive and grouchy Grinch, played by Jim Carrey, schemes to ruin Christmas for the cheerful residents of Whoville. As he embarks on his mischievous plan, he encounters the innocent Cindy Lou Who, whose kindness and curiosity begin to challenge his bitter outlook. Directed by Ron Howard, the movie is a live-action adaptation of Dr. Seuss’s beloved story, featuring elaborate set designs and makeup that earned it an Academy Award for Best Makeup. This festive tale explores themes of redemption and the true spirit of Christmas. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 1752
Genre: Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Holiday Comedy, Holiday Family
Director: Ron Howard
Actors: Anthony Hopkins, Bill Irwin, Bryce Dallas Howard, Christine Baranski, Clint Howard, Jeffrey Tambor, Jeremy Howard, Jim Carrey, Josh Ryan Evans, Lacey Kohl, Mindy Sterling, Molly Shannon, Nadja Pionilla, Rachel Winfree, Rance Howard, Suzanne Krull, T. J. Thyne, Taylor Momsen
Country: Germany, United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Imagine Entertainment, LUNI Productions GmbH and Company KG, Universal Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $346,676,095