Hometown Christmas
Returning to Louisiana for the holiday season, Noelle Collins (Mitchell) is determined to revive the town’s cherished live nativity scene, a tradition her late mother once organized. Her plans hit a snag when she encounters her former high school flame, Nick Russell (Colletti), a promising baseball player who is also back in town due to a recent injury. Despite the lingering tension from their breakup during senior year, their paths intertwine further when they discover their parents are romantically interested in each other. As the live nativity begins to unravel, Nick and Noelle reluctantly join forces to save the event, rekindling their affection for each other and rediscovering the enduring spirit of Christmas in their hometown.
Director: Emily Moss Wilson
Actors: Austin Highsmith, Austin Highsmith Garces, Beverley Mitchell, Brian McNamara, Christopher Berry, Donny Boaz, Erin Cahill, Lara Grice, Lori Loughlin, Melissa Gilbert, Stephen Colletti
Country: United States of America
Company: Active Entertainment