High Roller: The Stu Ungar Story
“High Roller: The Stu Ungar Story” is a biographical drama that delves into the tumultuous life of Stu Ungar, a legendary poker player known for his unparalleled skills and troubled personal life. The film stars Michael Imperioli, who delivers a compelling performance as Ungar, capturing both his genius at the card table and his struggles with addiction. Directed by A.W. Vidmer, the movie offers a gritty and intimate look at the highs and lows of Ungar’s career, from his early days in New York to his triumphs and downfalls in Las Vegas. While the film did not receive major awards, it remains a fascinating exploration of a complex figure in the world of gambling. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Action, Biography, Drama
Director: A.W. Vidmer
Actors: Evan Broder, Joe La Due, Michael Imperioli, Michael Nouri, Renee Faia, Steve Schirripa
Country: United States of America
Company: AWV Productions