High and Low
Directed by Akira Kurosawa, this 1963 film is a gripping crime thriller that delves into the moral complexities of wealth and justice. The story follows a wealthy executive, played by Toshiro Mifune, who faces a harrowing dilemma when his chauffeur’s son is mistakenly kidnapped instead of his own. As the narrative unfolds, the film explores themes of class disparity and ethical decision-making. Notably, the movie is based on Ed McBain’s novel “King’s Ransom” and is renowned for its intense performances and meticulous direction. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller, Top250Movies
Director: Akira Kurosawa
Actors: Isao Kimura, Jun Tazaki, Kenjiro Ishiyama, Kyôko Kagawa, Nobuo Nakamura, Takashi Shimura, Takeshi Katô, Tatsuya Mihashi, Tatsuya Nakadai, Toshirō Mifune
Country: Japan
Company: Kurosawa Production Co., TOHO, Toho Company
Worldwide Gross: $64,215