Harry Brown
In this gritty British thriller directed by Daniel Barber, Michael Caine stars as a retired Royal Marine living in a crime-ridden neighborhood. After the murder of his best friend, he takes justice into his own hands, navigating a world of violence and moral ambiguity. The film explores themes of vigilante justice and the impact of urban decay on individuals. While it did not receive major awards, Caine’s performance was widely praised. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director: Daniel Barber
Actors: Ben Drew, Charlie Creed-Miles, David Bradley, Emily Mortimer, Iain Glen, Jack O'Connell, Lee Oakes, Liam Cunningham, Michael Caine, Sean Harris
Country: United Kingdom
Company: HanWay Films, Marv Films, UK Film Council
Worldwide Gross: $10,371,451