Gwai mong
The film presents a trio of supernatural tales set in Hong Kong. The first story revolves around Vivian, who encounters eerie happenings with her neighbors after relocating to a new home. The second narrative centers on Scarlet, who unwittingly acquires a tattoo harboring dark mysteries. The concluding tale features a group of university students who, during a live-streamed ghost hunting adventure, inadvertently disturb the restless spirits of a deceased couple.
Views: 3
Genre: Horror
Director: Kwok-Fai Wong, Kwok-Keung Wong, Tat-Chi Yau
Actors: Ashina Kwok, Bryant Mak, Carlos Chan, Carlos Chan Ka-Lok, Cherry Pau, Jessica Kan Shuk-Yi, Joman Chiang, Jumbo Tsang Suk-Nga, Justin Cheung, Justin Cheung Kin-Sing, Kabby Hui, Kimi Chiu
Country: Hong Kong
Company: MM2 Entertainment, Samart