Groundhog Day
In this 1993 film, Bill Murray stars as Phil Connors, a cynical TV weatherman who finds himself inexplicably reliving the same day over and over again in the small town of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. As he navigates this bizarre time loop, Phil is forced to confront his own shortcomings and gradually learns to appreciate the value of life and the people around him. Directed by Harold Ramis, the movie has become a beloved classic for its unique blend of comedy and philosophical depth. Interestingly, the film has been preserved in the United States National Film Registry for being culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 27
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Most Rewatchable, Romance, Top250Movies
Director: Harold Ramis
Actors: Allison Tolman, Andie MacDowell, Angela Paton, Barbara Ann Grimes, Bill Murray, Brenda Pickleman, Brian Doyle-Murray, C.O. Erickson, Chris Elliott, David Pasquesi, Eric Saiet, Harold Ramis, Hynden Walch, Ken Hudson Campbell, Lee R. Sellars, Les Podewell, Lucina Paquet, Marita Geraghty, Michael Shannon, Peggy Roeder, Reni Santoni, Rick Ducommun, Rick Overton, Rob Riley, Robert Minkoff, Robin Duke, Sandy Maschmeyer, Stephen Tobolowsky, Tom Milanovich, Tony DeGuide, Willie Garson
Country: United States of America
Company: Columbia Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $71,108,778