Funny Cow
Set against the gritty backdrop of Northern England, this film follows the journey of a woman determined to break into the male-dominated world of stand-up comedy. The narrative delves into her tumultuous personal life, marked by struggles and resilience, as she uses humor as a means of survival and self-expression. Maxine Peake delivers a compelling performance in the lead role, supported by a strong cast including Paddy Considine. Directed by Adrian Shergold, the film offers a poignant exploration of ambition and identity. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Adrian Shergold
Actors: Alun Armstrong, Christine Bottomley, Diane Morgan, Hannah Walters, Kevin Eldon, Lindsey Coulson, Maxine Peake, Paddy Considine, Stephen Graham, Tony Pitts
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Gizmo Films, Head Gear Films, StudioPOW
Worldwide Gross: $739,252