Full Out
Based on the real-life journey of California gymnast Ariana Berlin, this story follows her as she pursues her Olympic dreams at the age of 14. Her aspirations are abruptly interrupted by a severe car accident. As she regains her confidence and physical abilities through hip hop dance, an unexpected opportunity arises when the esteemed UCLA Coach Valorie Kondos Field invites her back into the world of gymnastics. With Val’s guidance, Ariana achieves her dream by earning a place on the UCLA gymnastics team and winning an NCAA championship. This narrative is a truly inspiring testament to perseverance, self-belief, and the courage to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges.
Views: 7
Genre: Biography, Drama, Family, History
Director: Sean Cisterna
Actors: Ana Golja, Ariana Berlin, Art Hindle, Asha Bromfield, Jake Epstein, Jennifer Beals, Lamar Johnson, Ramona Milano, Sarah Fisher, Trevor Tordjman
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Carmel Creek Productions, Mythic Productions, PurpleDOG