In this gripping historical drama, the film delves into the intense post-Watergate interviews between British talk-show host David Frost and former U.S. President Richard Nixon. The narrative explores the behind-the-scenes tension and strategic maneuvering as Frost seeks to extract a confession from Nixon. The movie stars Frank Langella and Michael Sheen, who deliver compelling performances as Nixon and Frost, respectively. Directed by Ron Howard, the film was nominated for several Academy Awards, including Best Picture. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Biography, Drama, History
Director: Ron Howard
Actors: Andy Milder, Clint Howard, Eddie Napolillo, Eloy Casados, Frank Langella, Gabriel Jarret, Gavin Grazer, Geoffrey Blake, Janneke Arent, Jay White, Jenn Gotzon, Jim Meskimen, Kate Jennings Grant, Keith MacKechnie, Kevin Bacon, Mark Simich, Matthew Macfa, Matthew Macfadyen, Michael Sheen, Oliver Platt, Patty McCormack, Penny L. Moore, Rance Howard, Rebecca Hall, Sam Rockwell, Simon James, Toby Jones, Wil Albert
Country: France, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Imagine Entertainment, Universal Pictures, Working Title Films
Worldwide Gross: $27,426,335