In this poignant drama, Julianne Moore stars as Laurel Hester, a dedicated New Jersey police detective who faces a terminal cancer diagnosis. As she battles for the right to leave her pension benefits to her domestic partner, Stacie Andree, played by Ellen Page, the film explores themes of love, justice, and equality. Directed by Peter Sollett, the movie is based on a true story and highlights the struggle for LGBTQ+ rights. The film can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Biography, Drama, Romance
Director: Peter Sollett
Actors: Dennis Boutsikaris, Elliot Page, Jeannine Kaspar, Josh Charles, Julianne Moore, Luke Grimes, Mary Birdsong, Michael Shannon, Skipp Sudduth, Steve Carell
Country: France, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Double Feature Films, Endgame Entertainment, High Frequency Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $1,447,337