Fort Bliss
In this poignant drama directed by Claudia Myers, the story follows a decorated U.S. Army medic, played by Michelle Monaghan, who returns home from an extended tour in Afghanistan. As she attempts to reconnect with her young son and adjust to civilian life, she faces the challenges of balancing her duties as a soldier and a mother. The film explores themes of sacrifice, family, and the personal costs of military service. It features strong performances, particularly from Monaghan, and can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 3
Director: Claudia Myers
Actors: Dash Mihok, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Freddy RodrĂguez, Gbenga Akinnagbe, John Savage, Manolo Cardona, Michelle Monaghan, Oakes Fegley, Pablo Schreiber, Ron Livingston
Country: Turkey, United States of America
Company:, National Picture Show Entertainment, Yeniceri Produksiyon A.S.
Worldwide Gross: $669,247