Fishing Naked
“Fishing Naked” is a comedic film centered around four young adults who engage in mischievous antics in the forest. They create Bigfoot pranks, frighten visitors, show little regard for their elders, engage in romantic escapades, and indulge in marijuana. However, their carefree behavior takes a turn when they discover that their antics have unintentionally endangered an alien creature by drawing too much attention to their remote mountain town. As tensions rise among them, they devise a poorly thought-out plan to stage their most elaborate prank yet, hoping to make amends by intentionally getting caught.
Views: 1
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Romance
Director: Peter Coggan
Actors: Bronson Pelletier, Elaine Miles, Elyse Levesque, Evan Williams, Kirk Montgomery, Lanna Joffrey, Rob Nagle, Steve Reevis, Timothy McCracken, Tinsel Korey
Country: United States of America
Company: 42 Productions