Fifty Dead Men Walking
Set against the backdrop of the Northern Ireland conflict during the late 1980s, this gripping drama follows the true story of Martin McGartland, a young man who is recruited by the British police to infiltrate the IRA. As he navigates the dangerous world of espionage, Martin struggles with the moral complexities of his double life. The film stars Jim Sturgess and Ben Kingsley, delivering compelling performances that drive the intense narrative. Directed by Kari Skogland, the movie offers a tense and thrilling exploration of loyalty and betrayal. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director: Kari Skogland
Actors: Ben Kingsley, Gerard Jordan, Jim Sturgess, Kevin Zegers, Laura Hughes, Michael McElhatton, Natalie Press, Rose McGowan, Tom Collins, William Houston
Country: Canada, United Kingdom
Company: Brightlight Pictures, Future Films, Handmade International
Worldwide Gross: $812,872