Fashion King
In this South Korean comedy-drama, a high school student embarks on a journey to transform himself into a fashion icon to win the heart of his crush. The film stars Joo Won, known for his versatile acting skills, and Sulli, a former member of the popular girl group f(x). Directed by Ki-hwan Oh, the movie explores themes of self-discovery and the pressures of fitting in. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it offers a humorous and heartfelt look at teenage aspirations. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Ki-hwan Oh
Actors: Ahn Jae-hyun, Joo Won, Kim Na-young, Kim Sung-oh, Lee Il-hwa, Min Jin-woong, Park Se-young, Shin Ju-hwan, Sulli, Wi Ji-Woong
Country: South Korea
Company: Nomad Film Company, YLAB
Worldwide Gross: $3,883,195