In this poignant Icelandic drama directed by Dagur Kári, the story follows a gentle giant named Fúsi, portrayed by Gunnar Jónsson, who leads a monotonous life in his mid-40s. Living with his mother and working at a dreary airport job, Fúsi’s routine is disrupted when he meets an effervescent woman and a young girl, prompting him to step out of his comfort zone. The film delicately explores themes of loneliness, personal growth, and the courage to embrace change. It received critical acclaim and won the Nordic Council Film Prize in 2015. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Dagur Kári
Actors: Arnar Jónsson, Franziska Una Dagsdóttir, Gunnar Jónsson, Ilmur Kristjánsdóttir, Margrét Helga Jóhannsdóttir, Sigurður Karlsson, Sigurjón Kjartansson, Thorir Sæmundsson
Company: Blueeyes Productions, Nimbus Film, Nimbus Film Productions, RVK Studios
Worldwide Gross: $749,711