Faith, Hope & Love
In this heartwarming romantic comedy, a recently divorced woman and a widowed father find themselves unexpectedly paired together in a dance contest. As they navigate their personal struggles and the challenges of the competition, they discover new perspectives on life and love. The film stars Peta Murgatroyd, known for her role on “Dancing with the Stars,” and Robert Krantz, who also co-directed the movie. This charming story of second chances and personal growth can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: J.J. Englert, Robert Krantz
Actors: Aria Walters, Corbin Bernsen, Ed Asner, Edward Asner, Gary Hershberger, M. Emmet Walsh, Michael Richards, Nancy Stafford, Natasha Bure, Peta Murgatroyd, Robert Krantz
Country: United States of America
Company: Ellinas Multimedia
Worldwide Gross: $210,091