In this family-friendly sci-fi adventure directed by Sean Olson, a teenager named James discovers a high-tech robot named F.R.E.D.I. in the woods near his home. With the help of his friends, James embarks on a mission to protect the robot from a powerful corporation that seeks to exploit its advanced technology. The film stars Kelly Hu and Angus Macfadyen, adding depth to the engaging storyline. While it hasn’t received any major awards, it offers an entertaining mix of humor and heart. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Adventure, Family, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Sean Olson
Actors: Angus Macfadyen, Candace Cameron Bure, Casimere Jollette, Chloe Lukasiak, Christina Cox, Kelly Hu, Lucius Hoyos, Reid Miller, Texas Battle, Tyler Christopher, Кендіс Кемерон Буре
Country: United States of America
Company: Collusion Films, Quantum Creation FX, Rockhill Studios