Kyle, portrayed by Markiss McFadden, is one of the numerous orphans brought up by Father Antonio, played by Paul Sorvino, in an orphanage. Trained as an assassin, Kyle is dispatched on missions supposedly ordained by God. For years, Father Antonio has convinced these young men that their killings serve a divine purpose. Among them, Kyle stands out as one of the most skilled. During a mission to plant a bomb in a small café targeting the owner, a young boy named Matthew, played by Aiden Wind, and his mother enter the establishment moments before the detonation. Kyle makes a split-second decision to save them, but tragically, he can only rescue Matthew. Reluctantly, Kyle takes the boy under his wing, hiding him for a week. As their complex relationship unfolds, Kyle discovers a side of himself he never knew. Amidst the chaos of gunfights, explosions, and relentless danger, protecting Matthew proves more challenging than anticipated. However, with the assistance of his attractive neighbor Tara, portrayed by Mischa Barton, there might be a glimmer of hope.
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Director: Moziko Wind
Actors: Cynthia Rodriguez, Eric Roberts, Markiss McFadden, Mischa Barton, Paul Sorvino, Robert Miano, Tatiana DeKhtyar, Tatiana Neva
Country: United States of America
Company: McFadden Family Films, Wind Productions