Escape from Sobibor
Set during World War II, this gripping historical drama depicts the harrowing events at a Nazi extermination camp, focusing on the resilience and courage of the prisoners who orchestrate a daring escape. The film stars Alan Arkin and Rutger Hauer, whose performances bring depth to this powerful narrative. Directed by Jack Gold, the movie is based on true events, highlighting a significant moment of resistance during the Holocaust. It can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, History, Thriller, TV Movie, War
Director: Jack Gold
Actors: Alan Arkin, Emil Wolk, Hartmut Becker, Jack Shepherd, Jason Norman, Joanna Pacula, Kurt Raab, Linal Haft, Robert Gwilym, Rutger Hauer, Simon Gregor, Ullrich Haupt
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Rule/starger, Zenith Entertainment