Escape from Mogadishu
Set against the backdrop of the Somali Civil War in the early 1990s, this gripping film follows the harrowing journey of South and North Korean embassy workers as they attempt to escape the chaos engulfing Mogadishu. Directed by Ryoo Seung-wan, the movie features a talented cast, including Kim Yoon-seok and Jo In-sung, who deliver compelling performances. The film is noted for its intense action sequences and emotional depth, capturing the desperation and unlikely alliances formed in the face of danger. It has been recognized for its realistic portrayal of historical events and has garnered critical acclaim. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 10
Genre: Action, Drama, History, Thriller, War
Director: Ryoo Seung-wan
Actors: Han Chul-woo, Heo Joon-ho, Jeong Man-sik, Jo In-sung, Kim Jae-hwa, Kim So-jin, Kim Yoon-seok, Kim Yun-seok, Koo Kyo-hwan, Park Kyung-Hye, Park Myung-shin, Zo In-sung
Country: South Korea
Company: Dexter Studios, Filmmaker R&K, Lotte Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $29,902,716