In this whimsical blend of live-action and animation, a fairytale princess named Giselle, played by Amy Adams, is thrust from her magical animated world into the bustling reality of modern-day New York City. As she navigates this unfamiliar environment, she encounters a divorce lawyer, portrayed by Patrick Dempsey, who helps her adapt to the challenges of the real world. The film, directed by Kevin Lima, cleverly subverts traditional fairytale tropes while maintaining a charming and humorous tone. Notably, the movie received three Academy Award nominations for its original songs. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 22
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Romance
Director: Kevin Lima
Actors: Amy Adams, Idina Menzel, James Marsden, Jeff Bennett, Julie Andrews, Kevin Lima, Patrick Dempsey, Rachel Covey, Susan Sarandon, Timothy Spall
Country: Algeria, New Zealand, United States of America
Company: Andalasia Productions, Josephson Entertainment, Walt Disney Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $340,487,869