Duck, You Sucker
Set against the backdrop of the Mexican Revolution, this film follows the unlikely partnership between an Irish explosives expert, played by James Coburn, and a Mexican bandit, portrayed by Rod Steiger. As they navigate the tumultuous landscape, their personal ambitions intertwine with the larger political upheaval, leading to unexpected consequences. Directed by Sergio Leone, the movie is known for its intricate storytelling and dynamic character development. While it didn’t receive major awards, it remains a cult classic for its unique blend of action and historical drama. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Sergio Leone
Actors: Antoine Saint-John, David Warbeck, Franco Graziosi, Giulio Battiferri, James Coburn, Maria Monti, Rik Battaglia, Rod Steiger, Romolo Valli, Vivienne Chandler
Country: Italy
Company: Euro International Films, Rafran Cinematografica, San Marco
Worldwide Gross: $980