Drowning by Numbers
In this darkly comedic film directed by Peter Greenaway, three generations of women, all named Cissie Colpitts, conspire to drown their husbands. The narrative unfolds in a surreal and visually striking manner, characteristic of Greenaway’s style, with a focus on themes of death, numbers, and games. The film stars Joan Plowright, Juliet Stevenson, and Joely Richardson, who deliver compelling performances as the scheming trio. Known for its unique visual composition and intricate storytelling, the film is a testament to Greenaway’s distinctive cinematic approach. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama, Horror
Director: Peter Greenaway
Actors: Bernard Hill, Bryan Pringle, David Morrissey, Jane Gurnett, Jason Edwards, Joan Plowright, Joely Richardson, John Rogan, Juliet Stevenson, Kenny Ireland, Paul Mooney, Trevor Cooper
Country: Netherlands, United Kingdom
Company: Allarts Production, Elsevier-Vendex Film Beheer, Film Four International
Worldwide Gross: $477,039