Deadpool 2
In this action-packed sequel directed by David Leitch, the wisecracking anti-hero embarks on a mission to protect a young mutant from a time-traveling soldier named Cable, played by Josh Brolin. Ryan Reynolds reprises his role, bringing his signature humor and irreverence to the character. The film explores themes of family and redemption while delivering high-octane action sequences and witty dialogue. Notably, the movie features a diverse ensemble cast and impressive visual effects. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 79
Genre: Action, Action & Adventure, Adventure, Comedy, Marvel, Science Fiction
Director: David Leitch
Actors: Abiola Uthman, Alan Tudyk, Alexandra Shipp, Andre Tricoteux, Andy Canete, Bill Skarsgård, Brad Pitt, Brianna Hildebrand, David Leitch, Eddie Marsan, Eleanor Walker, Evan Peters, Gerry South, Hayley Sales, Hugh Jackman, Hunter Dillon, Islie Hirvonen, Jack Kesy, Jagua Arneja, James McAvoy, Joe Doserro, Josh Brolin, Julian Dennison, Karan Soni, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Leslie Uggams, Lewis Tan, Luke Roessler, Matt Damon, Michasha Armstrong, Mike Dopud, Morena Baccarin, Nicholas Hoult, Nikolai Witschl, Paul Wernick, Paul Wu, Randal Reeder, Rhett Reese, Rob Delaney, Robert Maillet, Ryan Reynolds, Sala Baker, Shiori Kutsuna, Sonia Sunger, Stefan Kapičić, T.J. Miller, Tanis Dolman, Terry Crews, Thayr Harris, Tony Bailey, Tye Sheridan, Zazie Beetz
Country: Canada, Denmark, India, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Kinberg Genre, Marvel Entertainment, Twentieth Century Fox
Worldwide Gross: $785,896,632