In this 2016 action-comedy film directed by Tim Miller, audiences are introduced to a wisecracking mercenary who undergoes an experimental procedure to cure his cancer, only to gain accelerated healing powers and a disfigured appearance. The film stars Ryan Reynolds in the titular role, delivering a performance that blends humor with high-octane action. Known for its irreverent tone and breaking the fourth wall, the movie became a cultural phenomenon and was praised for its unique approach to the superhero genre. While it didn’t win major awards, it was a commercial success and received positive reviews for its fresh take on the genre. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 127
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Marvel
Director: Tim Miller
Actors: Aatash Amir, Andre Tricoteux, Anthony J. Sacco, Ayzee, Ben Wilkinson, Brianna Hildebrand, Chad Riley, Cindy Piper, Dan Zachary, Darcey Johnson, David Hardware, David Longworth, Donna Yamamoto, Ed Skrein, Emily Haine, Fabiola Colmenero, Gina Carano, Greg LaSalle, Heather Ashley Chase, Hugh Scott, Isaac C. Singleton Jr., Jason William Day, Jed Rees, Justyn Shippelt, Karan Soni, Kyle Cassie, Kyle Rideout, Leslie Uggams, Matthew Hoglie, Michael Benyaer, Michael Neumeyer, Morena Baccarin, Naika Toussaint, Olesia Shewchuk, Paul Belsito, Paul Lazenby, Rachel Sheen, Randal Reeder, Rob Hayter, Rob Liefeld, Ryan Reynolds, Sean Quan, Stan Lee, Stefan Kapičić, Style Dayne, T.J. Miller, Taylor Hickson, Tony Chris Kazoleas, Victoria De Mare
Country: United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Kinberg Genre, Marvel Entertainment, Twentieth Century Fox
Worldwide Gross: $782,837,347