Dark Encounter
A year following the enigmatic vanishing of an 8-year-old girl, her mourning family comes back to their hometown after attending her memorial service. That night, peculiar lights emerge in the forest close by, subjecting the family to a bizarre and unsettling experience. These lights seem to be linked to extraterrestrial visitors who appear to menace the family. Unbeknownst to them, these ‘entities’ will guide the family to uncover the truth about the girl’s unsettling disappearance.
Views: 2
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Carl Strathie
Actors: Alice Lowe, Bridget Doherty, Grant Masters, Laura Fraser, Mel Raido, Nicholas Pinnock, Sean Knopp, Sid Phoenix, Spike White, Vincent Regan
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Cinema Management Group (CMG), Goldfinch Studios, Signature, Strathie Film
Worldwide Gross: $4,672